Home Health CBD: an optimization of sports performance

CBD: an optimization of sports performance


Most of the time, when we talk about cannabis, we have a negative connotation, and we immediately imagine the addiction and the joints smoked all day long. Cannabis is therefore not at all associated with the world of sport. Yet, the virtues and benefits of CBD (molecule present in cannabis) can significantly help the athlete’s daily life.

For this reason, CBD was authorized in 2018 in the world of sport. But, which athlete can CBD be suitable for? In which situation does it bring real benefits?

Don’t panic. We will enlighten you on all your questions!

Besides, no worries! CBD is now legal in the UK, and you can now buy the best CBD oil on JustBob and enjoy the many benefits from cannabidiol.

The benefits of cannabidiol for the athlete

It is after having done several tests on athletes using CBD during and after training as well as on athletes not using CBD-based products that we were able to detect all its many benefits in the world of sport :

CBD helps reduce the risk of inflammation by helping to have better recovery;

It improves resistance to pain and better withstands the loads and intensity of training;

It improves the quality of sleep, which will have a direct impact on muscle and nerve recovery;

It helps reduce muscle convulsions and therefore cramps, as well as their intensity;

It has a direct impact on concentration and allows athletes to optimize their training and competitions thanks to maximum concentration;

Significantly reduces anxiety, depression, and stress ;

CBD also helps improve blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

CBD has widely proven its qualities and anti-inflammatory effects. It, therefore, becomes interesting to consume for an athlete since he will be much more subject to injuries, inflammation, and stress due to training and upcoming deadlines.

CBD is therefore similar to the best natural solution for an athlete who wants to supplement naturally and more healthily by removing other options that may be harmful to health in the long term.

CBD and sports performance: what impact?

As we have seen with the benefits of CBD, it will act mainly on the recovery phase, on the nervous system and concentration. It is, therefore, thanks to these effects that performance will then be impacted. Therefore, CBD is not a booster that could, once consumed, ensure you achieve a particular performance.

However, combined, the effects of CBD will inevitably affect your workouts and your performance. Indeed, having a better recovery than other athletes, you will be more able to carry out your activity. Furthermore, CBD will also act directly on the nervous system, significantly reducing stress and the ability to concentrate. Therefore, it will allow the athlete to be able to fix himself and gather all his energy and concentration on only one thing: his performance.

Finally, CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory. It will help prevent pain during training and after training. It is an essential advantage for the athlete, who will optimize his training schedule thanks to a faster and complete recovery of his muscles and his nervous system. And thanks to more and more intense training, he can subsequently improve his performance by improving his discipline.

It is for all these benefits that CBD is attractive for an athlete, its natural supplementation allows improving the recovery phase and optimizing the training.

Every athlete is looking for better recovery! CBD helps in injury prevention and positively impacts injury. What more could you want?

E-sport and CBD, a compatible alliance?

While the e-sport market has experienced tremendous growth with the health crisis, another trend is becoming more democratic in recent times. It is CBD!

The substance, derived from the cannabis plant, has advantages for gamers and cognitive performance.

CBD improves focus and reduces anxiety

Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not have psychotropic effects. Instead, it complements our body’s natural processes and removes toxins affecting cognitive processing.

Consuming CBD when you are a gamer improves concentration and boosts energy, without having the side effects that you have when you drink a lot of coffee, for example. Cannabidiol could thus make it possible to have a better memory and improve the coordination between the eyes and the hands.

So, if you are a fan of video games and want to test this substance, it is possible to find it online, for example, at CBD Grams.

CBD also has the property of reducing anxiety and nervousness. Therefore, it can be a good ally for e-sports players, who often spend hours in front of their computers. It will allow you, for example, to calm your nerves when you play games with friends or in competitive modes. Then, a few drops under the tongue can help alleviate your enthusiasm to enjoy your game entirely.

Relieve pain and improve well-being with CBD

When playing for several hours a day, it is not uncommon to experience neck and back pain. Since we remain seated too long, it is in a position that the body does not necessarily like. In addition, by repeating the movements, inflammation and pain appear. Cannabidiol is then your ally since it can treat all of this. With its anti-inflammatory benefits, it will relieve your muscles.

Some players have a higher risk of developing heart or vascular disease. By associating CBD with your lifestyle, it is possible to improve your well-being in the long term. In addition to helping restore a healthy appetite, it helps improve sleep.

If cannabidiol and CBD products you can legally buy online at JustBob.shop can be an ally for gamers. We must not forget to have a healthy lifestyle. The natural CBD substance comes, for example, in addition to a balanced diet and regular physical activity.