Home Business Remote Work Will Be as Prevalent in 2022 as It Was in...

Remote Work Will Be as Prevalent in 2022 as It Was in 2021


Remote work is a popular paradigm for companies to operate within. During Covid-19 lockdowns, corporations were forced to change the work system. Customer service centres, tech companies and other big corporations moved from big glass buildings to employees homes. This experiment led to alterations that revolutionized the labour market and are here to stay for the next few years. But why is that? For whom remote work is more beneficial?

Remote work from the perspective of the employee

The idea that a workplace is a place where people spend most if not all their time throughout their lives has been changing for years now. With the advent of technology such as laptops and smartphones, it’s become easier than ever to work remotely from home. This means less time spent on commuting (and also less money spent on gas!), which in turn means more free time to do other activities or take care of errands. It also means that those who stay at home with their children can avoid having to find a daycare or a nanny, and also still have a solid income coming in.

Remote work from the perspective of the company

The benefits for businesses are just as considerable. The largest one by far is that it makes finding qualified people easier since most of these positions are not restricted to a particular location. This means the companies have more options when hiring engineers, writers or any other position which might be located in another country. The second benefit is that remote work saves money. There’s less need for office space and furniture as well as a smaller workforce which means a smaller payroll, no more paying for holidays, sick days or vacation time and less money spent on hiring new people.

International Payments

It has never been easier to make international payments. Even small companies can create e-wallets like PlixPay and accept payments from the rest of the world or send paychecks to their employees. The same applies to freelancers and independent contractors who want to work on a project or hire remote workers for their start-ups.


Another benefit is that communication becomes easier. People who work from home are usually already accustomed to communicating over instant messaging or chat rooms, so the transition is smooth. Emails are mostly used for longer written conversations and face-to-face chats are much more efficient than office meetings. Also, the messages are stored in the servers, so it’s easier to get back to it if there is any confusion.


Some people think that working in the office is more productive than working remotely. However, statistics show that workers are often less productive when they work in the office!

Remote employees produce higher quality work with fewer errors. They are also less likely to be distracted by coworkers or office politics, which makes their overall productivity much higher and companies can get more work done with less money.

Everybody Wins

The benefits of remote work are wide-ranging and include things like flexibility, reduced commuting time, a better quality of life balance, and more. Whether you’re working from home or abroad, there are plenty of ways in which remote work will benefit your company by boosting productivity and creating an environment where workers can be happier and more engaged. Which aspect of remote work do you think would have the biggest impact on you or your business?